4 benefits of additive manufacturing software

From mechanization of manual labor to mass production. From factories to electronics. And, from computing, to the introduction of digital technologies in manufacturing processes. We live in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Today’s smart factories provide great advantages. Automation enables greater precision and reduces the time of production. They have connected data to provide a customized service, and manufacturing processes are more repetitive and they minimize errors. Automation, connectivity and information. These are three main highlights of Industry 4.0.

Faced with the demand for speed, savings and precision, the way of manufacturing has changed. The subtractive model, in which parts are produced by removing excess material, is making room for Additive. It allows manufacturing objects with 3D printers, adding the materials in layers.

Additive manufacturing software: foundation of Industry 4.0

Subtractive manufacturing is the traditional one. It was already used by Michelangelo to free his Slaves from the marble blocks. It consists of extracting the part from a block of material, removing the excess. It is still used in Industry 4.0, but is often complemented by additive manufacturing.

The additive model adds the materials in layers to obtain the part, whether they are metals (titanium and stainless steel), polymers (PVC, PP, CPE) or composites (PA + CF, PA + Aramid, PC + PBT). This type of manufacturing only uses the materials necessary for production, it does not generate waste. Thus, the parts have a lower cost and the manufacture is more sustainable.

Thanks to the application of the software, design and manufacturing go hand in hand. With additive manufacturing, complex parts and designs, adapted to each sector, can be made. The software also allows digitize inventory, analyze manufacturing time and cost, and run the part from the same platform.

These are some of the benefits of using additive manufacturing software:

1. Independence to industries
Additive manufacturing software enables independence to industries by successful 3D printing jobs, preparing all work and optimizing designs. In addition, it allows for greater autonomy, reduces production costs and improves efficiency.

2. Digital storage
With zero waste production and inventory digitization, industries won’t need a physical warehouse. In addition, the production is on demand, which means zero stock in terms of the manufacture of parts.

3. Production on demand
With the drawings of the part, the machinery is put into action. No matter the quantity, it produces from a single unit, to mass production. The design phase of the part does not matter either, from prototypes to the final product.

4. Proximity production
This is closely linked to the independence of the industry. They no longer depend on the supply chain, distant manufacturers, or transoceanic shipments. Additive manufacturing software allows the entire process to be managed on a single platform and machinery produces it in a single place. Sustainability is also gained and shortage problems are avoided.

Additive Manufacturing Automation
Many industrial sectors have already started in additive manufacturing, because the future of any manufacturing industry is to automate it. The AAM (Automated Additive Manufacturing) makes it possible to produce functional parts 24/7 and reduce process costs, ensuring ‘just-in-time’ service.Triditive is the first company specialized in Automated Additive Manufacturing. Thanks to EVAM software and AMCELL machinery, you can manufacture high-volume, complex and highly accurate parts for all industries in an automated way. Through an additive manufacturing design software, production orders are managed, the process is controlled and machine downtimes are reduced.

Cloud automation software

In November 2021, Triditive received ‘The Global Water Challenge’ award from GoHub, thanks to its automation software in the cloud. The company received 3 million euros of investment from GoHub, Along with the award,

With its EVAM software, Triditive aims to digitizing production and extending additive manufacturing. Also, it breaks the traditional supply chain, easing the supply of components that are difficult to access. The fusion of automated machinery and software reduces manufacturing costs and enables fast and close sourcing.

Formnext: 4 trends in the AAM sector

In November, Formnext 2021 was held in Frankfurt. The event brought together the additive manufacturing community to discuss new trends and challenges for the future. Decentralized production, safe process chains, efficiency and sustainability were the main themes of the contest. But what are the trends?

  1. Metaverse or Digital Twin:
    The virtual world will allow you to control the design and production process of the parts before making them come true. Prototypes can be tested in the metaverse before manufacturing.
  2. Analysis:
    You need to collect information at each stage of the process to achieve the best results.
  3. Communities:
    There are platforms, such as Thingiverse or Cults, that bring communities together online, generating value for companies.
  4. Cloud Adoption:
    Allows all tools to be in one place that is remotely accessible. In the latter, Triditive is leading the way with its cloud automation software.

Unlocking the Future of Manufacturing: 5 Reasons Why Triditive Is Your Ultimate Solution!

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Ventajas de la Fabricación aditiva

La fabricación aditiva es una solución económica y sostenible. Y, por tanto, no es de extrañar que sea uno de los pilares de la industria 4.0. Sin embargo, también tiene otros beneficios, descarga nuestro brochure.

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