TRIDITIVE Mejor Startup en los XV Premios Impulsa

Hemos recibido el premio a la Mejor Startup en la 15 edición de los Premios Impulsa, como reconocimiento a nuestro desarrollo en la automatización de la fabricación aditiva.

The partnership will allow the development of new materials and mechanical characterization of final parts for AMCELL® SCALADD the additive manufacturing platform for mass production of TRIDITIVE will give access to industrial companies to mass production with Additive manufacturing thanks to AMCELL® and the expertise provided by the Network of experts in SCALADD. The strategic partnership […]
Metal 3D printing. All you have to know

Industry 4.0 leans towards local production, on demand and waste-free. For this purpose, it uses additive manufacturing, and one of its many possibilities is metal 3D printing.
Four great benefits of Additive Manufacturing software

4 benefits of additive manufacturing software From mechanization of manual labor to mass production. From factories to electronics. And, from computing, to the introduction of digital technologies in manufacturing processes. We live in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Today’s smart factories provide great advantages. Automation enables greater precision and reduces the time of production. They have […]
Metal 3D printing. All you have to know

Faced with the supply chain crisis, Industry 4.0 is making a move and betting on additive manufacturing. Proximity, rapid and sustainable production changes the rules of the game.
Automated Additive Manufacturing, the Industry 4.0 solution to stock failure

Automated additive manufacturing, the pillar of Industry 4.0, solves the problem of stock rupture in the supply chain. Local production eliminates the problem of shortages and dependency on industries.
5 Reasons why AAM is revolutionizing the Manufacturing Industry

Here, we share five reasons why Automated Additive Manufacturing is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry
Triditive’s winning bet: automate additive manufacturing

By introducing software in additive manufacturing, Triditive is automating processes, reducing production costs and improving sustainability, with the goal of achieving greater autonomy, zero stock and proximity production for industries.
La Revolución Aditiva – 2 Foro de Fabricación Aditiva a escala industrial

Tras el éxito del primer foro de fabricación aditiva de 2018, explicaremos las nuevas oportunidades tecnológicas de la fabricación aditiva para la producción en serie así como su impacto en la transformación digital de la industria manufacturera.
Nuestros ponentes internacionales del sector industrial, I + D, emprendimiento e innovación brindarán información sobre la implementación industrial, casos de uso y el impacto de la fabricación aditiva para la transición verde, la digitalización y la creación de empleo.
TRIDITIVE gana los Premios Emprendedor XXI en Asturias

Hemos recibido el Premio EmprendedorXXI, como reconocimiento a la empresa con mayor potencial de impacto en la región de Asturias de 2019. De izquierda a derecha: Ana Concejo, directora general de Innovación y Emprendimiento del Gobierno del Principado de Asturias; Marc Benhamou, director territorial de CaixaBank en Castilla y León y Asturias; Mariel Díaz, CEO y […]